lunes, 29 de junio de 2009
sábado, 27 de junio de 2009
Torre de Hércules
La Torre de Hércules es una torre y faro situado en la península de la ciudad de La Coruña, en Galicia. Tiene el privilegio de ser el único faro romano y el más antiguo en funcionamiento del mundo.
Hercules' tower is a tower and beacon placed in the peninsula of the city of Corunna, in Galicia. It has the privilege of being the only Roman and most ancient beacon in functioning of the world.
Fue construida por los romanos como faro de navegación en el siglo I D. C. Su altura total es de 68 m.
Was constructed by the Romans as beacon of navigation in the century I D. C. Its total height is of 68 m .
Hoy fue declarado Patrimonio de la Humanidad por la Unesco.
Today was declared Patrimony of the Humanity by the UNESCO.
Ya sabíamos que teníamos una joya en la ciudad, pero desde hoy esa joya tiene certificado de autenticidad y estamos muy felices de compartirlo con todas vosotras. Teneis un buen motivo para venir a conocer nuestra ciudad.
Already we knew that we had a jewel in the city, but from today this jewel has certificate of genuineness and we are very happy to share it with all of you. You have a good reason for coming to know our city.
Hercules' tower is a tower and beacon placed in the peninsula of the city of Corunna, in Galicia. It has the privilege of being the only Roman and most ancient beacon in functioning of the world.
Was constructed by the Romans as beacon of navigation in the century I D. C. Its total height is of 68 m .
Today was declared Patrimony of the Humanity by the UNESCO.
Already we knew that we had a jewel in the city, but from today this jewel has certificate of genuineness and we are very happy to share it with all of you. You have a good reason for coming to know our city.
viernes, 26 de junio de 2009
Ahora sí!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Ahora sí, ya puedo contaros lo que llevo tanto tiempo preparando, muchas semanas de trabajo y búsqueda que tiene como resultado cumplir mi sueño. Desde hoy está en funcionamiento mi tienda online de patchwork El rincón de Trelly, que tiene a la venta, entre otros libros y patrones, lo siguiente:

Hay muchas más cosas a la venta y otras muchas por llegar, lo iré subiendo todo a medida que vaya entrando. Por ahora venderé a través del blog-tienda, espero que en 2 ó 3 semanas mi página web esté terminada y las compras sean más fáciles. Las telas no llegarán hasta que la web no esté abierta, tampoco el material de patch, pero lo tendré todo! Espero que os gusten los artículos de la tienda y que me visiteis mucho. Un abrazo a todas.

martes, 23 de junio de 2009
Mistery Bonus 5
Loca de amor! así es como estoy con este diseño de Blackbird! Cuantas más puntadas más bonito me parece, me gustaría que lo pudieseis ver al natural, los colores son increíbles! Ahora que terminé la parte 5 empezaré con la 4, espero terminarlo antes de que termine el verano, con suerte mañana ya podré levantarme y hacer algo de patch, por lo que no avanzaré tanto como esta semana.
Crazy in love! This way I am with this Blackbird's design! All those more stitches nicer it seems to me, I would like that you could see it in person, the colours are incredible! Now that I finished the part 5 I will begin with 4th, I expect to finish it before ends the summer, with luck tomorrow already I will be able to get up and to do something of patch, for what I will not advance so much as this week.
Estoy viviendo una época muy bonita pero de muchos nervios, y no, no estoy embarazada! Estoy deseando compartirlo con vosotras, pero habrá que esperar una semana más, ojalá todo salga bien por que llevo muchas semanas preparándolo con mucha ilusión.
I am living a very nice moment but of many nerves, and not, I am not pregnant! I want to share it with you, but it will be necessary to expect one more week, I hope everything goes out well for that I go many weeks preparing it with a lot of illusion.
Crazy in love! This way I am with this Blackbird's design! All those more stitches nicer it seems to me, I would like that you could see it in person, the colours are incredible! Now that I finished the part 5 I will begin with 4th, I expect to finish it before ends the summer, with luck tomorrow already I will be able to get up and to do something of patch, for what I will not advance so much as this week.
I am living a very nice moment but of many nerves, and not, I am not pregnant! I want to share it with you, but it will be necessary to expect one more week, I hope everything goes out well for that I go many weeks preparing it with a lot of illusion.
lunes, 22 de junio de 2009
Mistery Bonus 5
Me prometí retomar el patchwork ayer, pero por sorpresas del destino no pudo ser. El sábado me hice daño en un pie y tengo que tenerlo en reposo, así que sólo puedo bordar tranquilamente en el sofá viendo la tele (qué vida más dura jajajajajajajaja). Gracias a esto he avanzado un montón en mi Blackbird, ya queda poco para terminar esta sección... os gusta?
I promised myself to recapture the patchwork yesterday, but for surprises of the destiny it couldn't be. On Saturday I damaged to myself in a foot and I have to have it in rest, so only I can embroider calmly in the sofa seeing the TV (what a hard life jajajajajajajaja). Thanks to this I have advanced a heap in my Blackbird, already it remains small to finish this section ... Do you like it?
I promised myself to recapture the patchwork yesterday, but for surprises of the destiny it couldn't be. On Saturday I damaged to myself in a foot and I have to have it in rest, so only I can embroider calmly in the sofa seeing the TV (what a hard life jajajajajajajaja). Thanks to this I have advanced a heap in my Blackbird, already it remains small to finish this section ... Do you like it?
sábado, 20 de junio de 2009
Mistery Bonus 5
Una noche de insomnio es productiva si sabes emprearla, y yo avancé un poco en el nuevo diseño de Blackbird que empecé esta hace dos días. Estas son mis flores, preciosas y con un color estupendo!
A night of insomnia it is productive if you know to take advantage of it, and I advanced a bit in the Blackbird's new design that I began two days ago. These are my flowers, beautiful and with a marvellous color!
El tiesto es impresionante, lleno de puntos de ojal.
The pot is incredible, full of eyelet stitches.
Hoy hace sol, un día perfecto para celebrar los 5 años que llevamos juntos mi marido y yo.
Today it is sunny, a perfect day to celebrate the 5 years that my husband and I take together.
A night of insomnia it is productive if you know to take advantage of it, and I advanced a bit in the Blackbird's new design that I began two days ago. These are my flowers, beautiful and with a marvellous color!
The pot is incredible, full of eyelet stitches.
Today it is sunny, a perfect day to celebrate the 5 years that my husband and I take together.
jueves, 18 de junio de 2009
Millenium y BBD
Ya está en casa, la tercera parte de Millenium ya forma parte de nuestra biblioteca y Nacho ya la empezó esta noche, espero que la trilogía tenga un final increíble.
It is in home, the third part of Milenium takes part of our library. Nacho started it this night, I hope that the trilogy has an incredible end.
La vuelta de las vacaciones siempre me resulta lenta, por eso dediqué el día de hoy al punto de cruz, que lo hago muy relajada en mi sofá y no tengo que levantarme a cada minuto. El diseño escogido es un Blackbird Designs llamado Mistery Bonus, entregado por partes en el Loose Feathers 08. Está compuesto de 5 pequeños esquemas, yo empecé por el final, por el esquema 5, aquí teneis el original:
The return of the vacations always me turns out to be slow, because of it I dedicated today to cross stitching, which I make very relaxed in my sofa and don't have to get up every minute. The select design is a Blackbird Designs called Mistery Bonus, delivered by parts in the Loose Feathers 08. It is composed of 5 small charts, I began for the last, for the chart 5, here is the original:
El esquema completo
The complete chart
y mi versión, bordada en un lino envejecido teñido a mano de 28 count, me gustas muchísimo los colores escogidos por las diseñadoras, siempre nos demuestran el gusto exquisito que tienen. No os podeis imaginar el tiempo que me llevó contar los puntos, es inmenso!
And my version embroidered in an aged linen hand dyed of 28 count, I like very much the colors chosen by the designers, always they demonstrate to us the exquisite taste that they have.
Feliz fin de semana a todas, nos vemos el lunes, bicos.
Happy weekend to you, see you next monday, kisses.
It is in home, the third part of Milenium takes part of our library. Nacho started it this night, I hope that the trilogy has an incredible end.
The return of the vacations always me turns out to be slow, because of it I dedicated today to cross stitching, which I make very relaxed in my sofa and don't have to get up every minute. The select design is a Blackbird Designs called Mistery Bonus, delivered by parts in the Loose Feathers 08. It is composed of 5 small charts, I began for the last, for the chart 5, here is the original:
The complete chart
And my version embroidered in an aged linen hand dyed of 28 count, I like very much the colors chosen by the designers, always they demonstrate to us the exquisite taste that they have.
Happy weekend to you, see you next monday, kisses.
Lista para coser!
Ya estoy recuperada, no me gustan las fotos, pero aquí pongo una para que veais lo morena que vengo de Sitges.
Already I am recovered, I don't like the photos, but here I put one in order that you can see my brown skin that I come from Sitges.
No tengo mucho que enseñaros, estuve arreglando papeles y descansando, pero un poco de aplicación sí que preparé.
I don't have much that to show you, I was arranging papers and resting, but a bit of appliqué yes that I prepared.
y los dos Blackbird que mañana llevaré a enmarcar, son 4 los que colgaré en el hall de casa, os lo enseñaré cuando pinten.
And the two Blackbird that tomorrow I will take to framing, are 4 those that I will hang on the hall of house, I will show you when wall are painted.

Already I am recovered, I don't like the photos, but here I put one in order that you can see my brown skin that I come from Sitges.
I don't have much that to show you, I was arranging papers and resting, but a bit of appliqué yes that I prepared.
And the two Blackbird that tomorrow I will take to framing, are 4 those that I will hang on the hall of house, I will show you when wall are painted.
lunes, 15 de junio de 2009
Regreso a casa
Dicen que la vuelta a casa siempre es dura, pero para mi es el momento más feliz de las vacaciones.... vuelves a tu cama, tu sofá, tus almohadas, tus cosas... pero reconozco que lo hemos pasado muy bien. Me puse al día con la lectura...
Someone say that the back home always is hard, but for me it is the happiest moment of the vacations .... you come back to your bed, your sofa, your pillows, your things ... but I admit that we enjoyed it. I put a day with the reading...
Paseamos por Sitges, un pueblo bonito donde los haya...
Walked along Sitges, a beautiful village...

También tuve tiempo de hacer algunas compras y aumentar mi colección de cajas compradas en una tienda del pueblo preciosa, atendida por una chica muy simpática!
Also I had time to do some buys and to do my collection of boxes bought in a beautiful shop of the village, attended by a very nice girl!
cintas compradas en Mokuba Barcelona
ribbons bought in Mokuba Barcelona

Libros de punto de cruz
Cross stitching books
Pero sobre todo he tenido tiempo de descansar y recargar pilas, las últimas semanas no han sido fáciles, cuando alguien intenta hacerte daño sin conocerte, o gente que aprecias te falla.... pero vuelvo a estar en forma, lista para comenzar una nueva etapa de mi vida que muy pronto compartiré con vosotras. Ahora más que nunca valoro la verdadera amistad, gracias a todas por estar ahí.
Someone say that the back home always is hard, but for me it is the happiest moment of the vacations .... you come back to your bed, your sofa, your pillows, your things ... but I admit that we enjoyed it. I put a day with the reading...
Walked along Sitges, a beautiful village...
Also I had time to do some buys and to do my collection of boxes bought in a beautiful shop of the village, attended by a very nice girl!
ribbons bought in Mokuba Barcelona
Cross stitching books
jueves, 11 de junio de 2009
Autumn House BOM y Blackbird Designs
Seguimos de vacaciones... y aunque estamos tomando mucho el sol, también estoy disfrutando de mis dos pasiones, la lectura y el patchwork. Un poquito cada día he conseguido terminar las piezas del bloque central del Autumn House BOM y en cuando llegue a casa empezaré a coserlas.
We continue our holidays... we are taking sun, but I also enjoying my two passions, reading and patchwork. I work a bit every day in the Autumn House BOM and I finished the preparation of the pieces for the appliqué of the central block. I'll sew them when we come back home.
Terminé el Blackbird, sólo me falta bordar mis iniciales... y también lo haré al llegar a casa.
I finished the Blackbird, only I have to embroider my initials... and I'll made it when come back home too.
We continue our holidays... we are taking sun, but I also enjoying my two passions, reading and patchwork. I work a bit every day in the Autumn House BOM and I finished the preparation of the pieces for the appliqué of the central block. I'll sew them when we come back home.
I finished the Blackbird, only I have to embroider my initials... and I'll made it when come back home too.
jueves, 4 de junio de 2009
Vacaciones, 1ª parte
Ya estamos disfrutando de nuestras vacaciones, la primera parte la pasamos en Barcelona, con buenos amigos, buenos planes y buenos proyectos. Con Belén y su marido Abel disfrutamos del Salón del cómic, donde los dos se lo pasaron como niños pequeños.
Already we are enjoying our holidays, the first part in Barcelona, with good friends, good plans and good projects. We enjoyed the Comic Festival with Belen and her husband Abel, where both returned to their childhood.

Already we are enjoying our holidays, the first part in Barcelona, with good friends, good plans and good projects. We enjoyed the Comic Festival with Belen and her husband Abel, where both returned to their childhood.
With Mike Mignola's photo, the Hellboy's creator.
yo disfruté también de mi paraíso particular, dos cursos con Eva Gustems... algo que nunca olvidaré, es una persona increíble!

I enjoyed too of my particular paradise, two master classes with Eva Gustems... I'll nerver forget it, she is a incredible person!
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